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Friday, January 27, 2012


BREAKING: Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Thursday, 26-Jan-2012 16:00:09

       Audit of the Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts

       The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year. Jim DeMint, a Republican Senator, and Bernie
Sanders, an independent Senator, led the charge for a Federal Reserve audit in the Senate, but watered down the original language of the house bill(HR1207), so that a complete audit would not be carried out. Ben Bernanke(pictured to the right), Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit and lied to Congress about the effects an audit would have on markets. Nevertheless, the results of the first audit in the Federal Reserve’s nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander’s webpage earlier this morning.

       What was revealed in the audit was startling:

       $16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland.
From the period between December 2007 and June 2010, the Federal Reserve had secretly bailed out many of the world’s banks, corporations, and governments. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Why the Federal Reserve had never been public about this or even informed the United States Congress about the $16 trillion dollar bailout is obvious - the American public would have been outraged to find out that the Federal Reserve bailed out foreign banks while Americans were struggling to find jobs.

       To place $16 trillion into perspective, remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion. The entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is "only" $14.5 trillion. The budget that is being debated so heavily in Congress and the Senate is "only" $3.5 trillion. Take all of the outrage and debate over the $1.5 trillion deficit into
consideration, and swallow this Red pill: There was no debate about whether $16,000,000,000,000 would be given to failing banks and failing corporations around the world.

       In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received
hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.

       "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." – Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

       When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul(R-TX) as well as self-identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the
Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.

       Americans should be swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs when an unelected group of bankers can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and super corporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses will eventually plunder the world economy.

       The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

       Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
       Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
       Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
       Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
       Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
       Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
       Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
       Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
       JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
       Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
       UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
       Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
       Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
       Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
       BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
       and many, many more including banks in Belgium of all places

       View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st,

       FULL PDF on GAO server:
       Senator Sander’s Article:

Friday, January 20, 2012

You lost 1st, 5th and 6th Amendment rights, Your second Amendment Rights next...

Why Grandpa carries a gun.
Please take time to read this and pay particular attention to "A Little Gun History" about half way down.

Why Grandpa carries a gun scroll way down

Why Carry a Gun?
 My old grandpa said to me 'Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take an ass whoopin.'

>I don't carry a gun to kill people.
>I carry a gun to keep from being killed.
>I don't carry a gun to scare people.
>I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.
>I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
>I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.
>I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
>I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.
>I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
>I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.
>I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
>I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared.
>I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
>I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.
>I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy.
>I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy.
>I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
>I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.
>I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
>I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.      
>I don't carry a gun because I love it.
>I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.      
>Police protection is an oxymoron.
>Free citizens must protect themselves.
>Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess.
>Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die
>and too old to take an ass whoopin' unknown (but obviously brilliant)
>In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.      
>From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
>       ------------------------------
>In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
>From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.      
> ------------------------------
>Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
> ------------------------------      
>China established gun control in 1935.
>From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
>       ------------------------------
>Guatemala established gun control in 1964.
>From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.       
>Uganda established gun control in 1970.
>From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.       
>Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
>From1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
>       -----------------------------
>Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated
>in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
>You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
>Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property
>and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
>Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late!
>The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
>With guns, we are 'citizens'.      
>Without them, we are 'subjects'.
>During WW II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most       Americans were ARMED!
>If you value your freedom, please spread this anti gun-control message to all of your friends.      
>The purpose of fighting is to win.      
>There is no possible victory in defense.      
>The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either.
>The final weapon is the brain.
>All else is supplemental.      
>I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment!
>If you are too, please forward

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Senator Nick Begich e-mail reply first Amendment lost.

All the Senators and President are sworn to uphold the Constitution but will violate their Oath of Office in favor of corporate money--or at least that is their excuse for taking away your Right to free Speech and your 4th and 5th Amendment rights.

January19, 2012

DearMr. Kroll:

Thank you for contacting me about the ProtectingReal Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act(PROTECT IP). I supporta free and open Internet.

With online commerce continuingto grow and evolve as a significant portion of our country's economy—as well as day-to-day life for many Alaskans—it isimportant we maintain the free flow of information while at the same time protecting users against the threatof cyber theft or attack.  The debate about how to protect intellectual property rights andfight online piracy and counterfeit operations has been goingon for over a decade.

Both the PROTECT IP Actand the version in the House of Representatives, the StopOnline Piracy Act (SOPA), have received a large amount of attention from consumers and companies who are concerned about the impacton innovation and the flow of information online.  I believe intellectual property rights should be respectedand we should address how they areenforced.  However, I do not feel the protectionsshould restrict the flow of information through search engines or technical alterations. I will continue to review the legislation and details as we move closer to a vote.

I am continuing to monitor the development of online commerce which I believe will help grow businesses in Alaska.  Online privacy and the protection of freespeech are importantto Alaskans, and I appreciatehearing your comments on pending legislation.

Please feel free to stay in touch as we continue to debate these issues.

Mark Begich
U.S. Senator

Monday, January 16, 2012

What is a Publican? A Re-publican?

What is a Re-publican?
In antiquity, publicans (Latin publicanus (singular); publicani (plural)) were public contractors, in which role they often supplied the Roman legions and military, managed the collection of port duties, and oversaw public building projects. In addition, they served as tax collectors for the Republic (and later the Roman Empire), bidding on contracts (from the Senate in Rome) for the collection of various types of taxes. Importantly, this role as tax collectors was not emphasized until late into the history of the Republic (c. 1st century BC). The publicans were usually of the class of equites.
At the height of the Republic's era of provincial expansion (roughly the 1st and 2nd centuries BC until the end of the Republic) the Roman tax farming system was very profitable for the publicani. The right to collect taxes for a particular region would be auctioned every few years for a value that (in theory) approximated the tax available for collection in that region. The payment to Rome was treated as a loan and the publicani would receive interest on their payment at the end of the collection period. In addition, any excess (over their bid) tax collected would be pure profit for the publicani. The principal risk to the publicani was that the tax collected would be less than the sum bid.

By New Testament times, publicans were seen chiefly as tax collectors by provincial peoples. It is in this sense that the term is used in Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. However, their role as public contractors, especially as regards building projects, was still significant.

With the rise of a much larger Imperial bureaucracy, this task of the publicans, as well as their overall importance, declined precipitously. Evidence for the existence of publicans extends as far back as the 3rd century BC, although it is generally assumed that they existed at still earlier times in Roman history. Knowledge of a tentative terminus post quem is taken from the histories of the 1st century AD Imperial historian Livy.

By the time of the Renaissance, the word "publican" meant a tavernkeeper (the licensed landlord of a public house), and by extension a slang term for a pimp.

In England in the late 12th century there existed a religious sect called the publicani. Among their beliefs was the view that procreation was a sin. This sect was thought heretical and was commonly persecuted in the 1180-1190s by Archbishop William of 
Rheims (reigned 1176–1202).[1] This is mentioned in Banks and Binns' introduction to the Otia Imperialia, a 13th century work by Gervase of Tilbury.

Democrats are proponents of democracy. They are considered to be socially liberal and for progressive change. In a liberal society lazy people find it easier to live on welfare than work for a living and why should they when the government pays them more money not to work than they would receive if they did work? In a democracy the loudest and richest always influence the rest of the herd. That is why a democracy can never work.

We have a representative form of government where states divide up areas according to numbers of people and service area need. Senators and Representatives are chosen to represent areas in proportion to their populations.      

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Internet Takeover Bill
United States Justice Foundation
932 "D" Street, Suite 2
Ramona, California 92065
760-788-6624   USJF.NET


Dear Kenneth,

The final U. S. Senate vote on the internet takeover bill is set for January 24th.  As of right now, that bill, which gives U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder the power of an "Internet Czar,” WILL PASS.
Please send faxes to every Member of the U.S. Senate, and demand that they filibuster S. 968, the Senate version of the internet takeover bill.
Unfortunately, the American people are not paying attention to this catastrophe that is unfolding in the U. S. Senate.  We only have a few days to stop this unconstitutional power grab.  We must bombard the Senate with faxes, RIGHT NOW!
This bill will give corrupt U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder the power to blacklist or shut down any website or forum that is merely accused of being linked to "online piracy”.
He will even have the authority to "sanitize” the results of internet searches on Google or Yahoo, so that only government-approved websites and information can be found online.
If this bill passes, Barack Hussein Obama will have to the ability to ban the campaign websites of his opponents, shut down the online activities of anti-Obama groups like USJF, and harass tea party forums and any other website that don't support him.
Please fax the U. S. Senate now.  This bill WILL PASS unless the American people overwhelm the Senate with faxes!

And, while you are at it, please forward this email to everyone in your lists.
The FINAL U. S. Senate vote is scheduled for January 24th.  We don't have much time!
If this bill passes, the Obama Administration won't need a court order.  There will be no hearings or trials.
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., will seize incredible control over the internet, and we will be nearly powerless to stop him.
Although supporters of the bill say that it is designed to prevent online piracy, this is an internet takeover bill, pure and simple.
Just one "complaint” from a liberal activist, or a government agent, that you are indirectly violating an obscure copyright rule, and your website could be fined huge sums, and it could be blacklisted from the internet.
Just imagine if Google was prohibited from displaying websites that were critical of Barack Obama, that discussed the controversy over where he was born, or that mentioned the damage that his policies are doing to the economy.
Well, that is exactly what will ultimately happen if S.968 passes, and it is signed into law.
Many of this bill's provisions are modeled on Communist China's censorship law, called the "Great Firewall of China.”
Even the socialists in the European Parliament oppose this new American law.
That is how extreme S.968 is!
S.968 already has 40 co-sponsors in the U.S. Senate.   Eleven more votes and it passes!
Please fax every U. S. Senator NOW.
Extreme liberals like Chuck Schumer and Al Franken have teamed up with Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to ram this bill into law.
They are being helped by millions of dollars in campaign contributions from  left-wing mainstream media companies.
They want the government to shut down all the blogs and political forums, and all of the independent news sites, so that they, once again, will have a monopoly on the news that you and I are allowed to see.
This threat against free speech is so grave and so imminent that websites like Google and Yahoo are seriously considering staging a last-ditch online protest to try to stop Mr. Obama and his Congressional allies!
Please, fax every Member of the U. S. Senate NOW, and please forward this email to all of your friends, urging them to do the same.

This bill WILL PASS unless you take action TODAY.
And, while you are at it, please add to the effectiveness of your faxes by personally calling your U.S. Senators' offices at 202-224-3121.  Tell him, or her, to STOP S. 968, the internet takeover bill.
The final vote is January 24th.  We only have days remaining to save free speech on the internet!

Gary G. Kreep, Esq.
Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oil spill cleanup deaths...

EXXON Valdez cleenup deaths.

Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead

Michael Snyder | Jun. 30, 2010, 12:20 PM | 52,619
Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now dead.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Almost all of them are dead.
In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years.  Considering the fact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster, are you sure you want to volunteer to be on a cleanup crew down there?  After all, the American Dream is not to make big bucks for a few months helping BP clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years early.
Posted: May 10, 2010 | 12:00 a.m.
Updated: May 10, 2010 | 7:27 a.m.
They called it the "Valdez crud," but it was more than a cough and diarrhea.
"We thought it was a flu that was going around and every­body kept getting it," said Merle Savage, who was general foreman of the cleanup crews of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska's Prince William Sound.
Instead, the stuff that was making cleanup workers sick was a toxic cocktail of oil droplets in mist they inhaled from spraying the shoreline with hot water and chemicals that were used to disperse the spill's massive black wave.
Now Savage wants today's workers to be aware of similar risks they might face in cleaning up the even bigger BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Savage, who wrote a book, "Silence in the Sound," about the Exxon Valdez cleanup, recounts those risks as she sits in the upstairs "Alaska Room" of the North Las Vegas home where she now lives with her son and daughter-in-law.
Many of the thousands of Exxon Valdez cleanup workers have died or have become seriously ill from inhaling the toxic mist and handling dispersants that contained benzene and other chemicals.
Of dozens of lawsuits that were filed by sick workers, seven were settled out of court and the records have been sealed.
One cleanup chemical, 2-Butoxyethanol, can be absorbed through the skin and cause blood and kidney damage resulting in headaches, respiratory problems and even death, according to the material safety data sheet for the dispersant, INIPOL, which was used in the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez spill.
After she wrote her book in 2003, Savage teamed up with marine toxicologist Riki Ott to warn about the dangers involved with cleaning up oil spills. In a video with Ott, Savage described the shoreline cleanup as being "like a war zone."
"What we know now is the oil is 1,000 times more toxic than we thought," Savage said. "The BP spill is going to be worse. I'm warning workers to understand how toxic the crude oil can be."
Savage's personal experience is that the ill effects have lingered for years.
"When I came to Las Vegas in 1995, I was sick. I had bronchial problems," she said. "I lived with extreme diarrhea day in and day out for years."
During that time she has had severe pain in her joints and underwent a biopsy for a spot on her liver.
"They said I was an alcoholic, but I don't drink and I don't smoke," she said.
While pain pills and other medications didn't work for her problems, Savage researched some natural remedies.
"I found out about toxic chemicals and detoxed myself with a lemon juice concoction," she said. "And I sleep on a blanket with magnets in it. It gets your system back in shape.
After the Exxon Valdez ran aground on March 24, 1989, Savage signed on to be a cleanup worker.
"I worked two weeks on the spill, holding a hose with hot water gushing out and steam coming up," she said. "At first we didn't have masks. But later on we had paper masks that wouldn't last a day.
"There was crude oil and dead seaweed all around. The smell from that was horrible."
The rain gear workers wore would be cleaned using a solution that contained benzene and other chemicals, Savage said.
She eventually was promoted to the post of general foreman.
Even though workers would become sick, most didn't want to be sent from the boats and barges back to Valdez because they didn't want to lose their jobs.
"Everybody on my barge was complaining and throwing up," she said. "Even I was sick."
Before she left her boat at the end of the cleanup, she kept computer printouts of the workers' roster.
Little did she know then that the names would become a valuable resource in her effort to make them and their families aware of the toxic exposures they endured.
"I've had children who had parents who were cleanup workers and brothers, too. I know of 30 people who have contacted me since," Savage said.
"Thousands of people are suffering from the Valdez cleanup with no compensation. And there were Exxon officials on each barge. I knocked heads with a couple of them."
Contact reporter Keith Rogers at or 702-383-0308.
Just a Few Things BP Does NOT Want You to Know…
But there are even more downright criminal activities taking place right now. According to a government panel, new calculations suggest that "an amount equivalent to the Exxon Valdez disaster could be flowing into the Gulf of Mexico every 8 to 10 days," the New York Times reported on June 10.
In addition, the CNN video above discusses the health problems suffered by the clean-up workers, and the fact that BP is strongly discouraging any type of protective gear, such as respirators and even rubber gloves! In the video, Kerry Kennedy mentions that the average age at the time of death of workers who cleaned up after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill was 51!
Today, all those clean-up workers are DEAD!
Seems BP is far more worried about their PR, buying up search terms on Google and other search engines, than protecting the health and welfare of their clean-up crews...